Category Archives: Projects

Riley WIP 01 – Just Because

I wanted to post something to show I am actually working on models.  This model is a long time coming but I think it is headed in the right direction.  There is still a lot of work left on topology and silhoette, but it is coming along.


EDIT:  Additional Image by Request.



I upgraded all my blogs to WordPress 2.8 today, so this post serves as an update/test post.  I have been working on a lot of lighting work that I have not been posting here and on ripping the Riley model apart.  Below is a progress shot of some of her topology fixes.


Still need to work on the ears and lips a bit more along with relaxing her face a bit around the mouth and eyes.

Quick Post before bed.

Some things I am noting:

  • Nose is too wide.
  • Eyes may be wrong shape or do not come inward enough, producing an effect of them being too far apart or small.
  • Lips still need more work. – If anyone has any tips on lip sculpting in Zbrush, now would be the time.
  • Ears got pulled out too far in repositioning.


I really want to finish this model so I can light and texture him.  I have another model I am supposed to be starting Friday, which turns out to now be today.  😀  Also lighting and rendering homework, graphic design freelance and everything I have to do for moving and keeping my life afloat.  

Basically, for anyone who reads this, I am saying I am working at a constant rate.  Tomorrow/Today will be a big day.